January Release – New Work


“Sunshine on the Hills III” – Dyptic

Hi everyone! Please excuse the lateness of this post but I finally have some new work in the shop this month! After a long break over the holidays it was tough to say the least to get back into the swing of things ( I can’t be the only one to experience this right??). But now I am back in my rhythm and have some new work to show for it! 

Like this dyptic above from a new series titles “Sunshine on the Hills” which are inspired by a family trip to the Okanagan last summer. The mountains there are so different than the coastal mountains we have here in Vancouver. Most of the hills are arrid and almost desert like but some have lush forests dappled with fields that would catch the sunlight as we drove passed them. 

Other pieces are a bit more moody as I am exploring some darker colours as in the Midnight Landscape series. 

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy some of these new pieces. Thanks for supporting me and my work! It’s collectors like you that help make this dream of mine possible, for that I am forever grateful.

All the best,

“Midnight Landscape” Series

Nightscapes have always fascinated me. I explore the colours and compositions one would see if they were taking an evening hike in this new series.

See series now >>


“As the Snow Melts”

Many years ago I hiked through the Garibaldi provincial park  in the late Spring with a dear friend of mine.

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